
# Format the given files in-place
nph file0.nim file1.nim

# Format the given files, writing the formatted code to /tmp
nph file0.nim file1.nim --outdir:/tmp

# Format an entire directory
nph src/

# Use --check to verify that a file is formatted correctly as `nph` would - useful in CI
nph --check somefile.nim || echo "Not formatted!"

# You can format stuff as part of a pipe using `-` as input:
echo "echo 1" | nph -

Disabling formatting locally

You can mark a code section with #!fmt: off and #!fmt: on to disable formatting locally:

proc      getsFormatted(a, b : int    ) = discard

#!fmt: off
   array[3, int]
    [1, 2, 3]

#!fmt: on
proc hanging(indent: int,
             isUgly = true) = discard

To disable formatting for a whole file, simply put #!fmt: off on top!


Note Internally, #!fmt: off makes nph treat the section as a big multi-line comment that it copies over to the formatted code - as such, you must be careful with indent and adjust your code to the indent that nph will generate!